Trevor Bauer cries about Michigan Weather


I already have a strong disdain for California. So it doesn’t help when a guy like Trevor Bauer calls it “amateur” after the Detroit Tigers had to call yesterday’s game due to rain. 

I had to google where Trevor Bauer was from. Of course, North Hollywood, California. That would explain his ignorance to Midwest weather in general. That weather cell could have been a monsoon or could have dissipated just as fast. Welcome to the Mitten! Our saying is “If you don’t like the weather, wait a few mins. It will change” and before we argue that there are people that get paid a lot of money to call these games before the rain. Let’s remember that even our local newscasters are right maybe 10% of the time. Just like Roadhouse, “Be nice until it’s time not to be nice”playball until you can’t play ball!  Spoiled Hollywood kids.   

Stick – Woodward Guys