That’s Principal Chris Board roaming the halls


While many NFL players use Tuesdays as their days of rest, Detroit Lions LB Chris Board, spent his day with the students at Dixon Educational Learning Academy. In partnership with Athletes for Charity, he also served as guest principal for the day.

From pre-K to eighth grade, Board interacted with students of all ages and emphasized the importance of studying and attendance. He read to students, served lunch, distributed books, and even played with the kids at recess. His favorite of them all: serving the students lunch.

FB Jason Cabinda also joined Board as the assistant principal for the day. The two bounced from classroom to classroom and helped students learn about the Coronavirus.

The smiles on the student’s faces as they watched two NFL football players walk into their classroom could’ve lit up a whole neighborhood. Cabinda even had the lunchroom roaring with cheers as he walked through, signaling them to get louder.

“The players loved helping out the kids. Board said, “It means a lot just to be able to step in and meet the kids and just be a blessing. It makes me feel good inside.”

Board signed a plethora of items, including magnets for the student’s lockers.


Maddy Miller – Detroit Lions Beat Reporter

On Twitter: @madelynvmillerr

Photo Credit-Kirthmon F. Dozier-USA TODAY Sports