Scott Daly Builds More Than LEGOs


Detroit Lions long snapper Scott Daly spent his Tuesday building much more than LEGOs with students at J.E. Clark Preparatory Academy.

Daly and his wife, Monica, dedicated their afternoon to creating memories, smiles, and laughter with students in Detroit. They were joined by linebacker Chris Board to help build dinosaurs out of LEGOs. Each student received their own LEGO set and could choose from three different dinosaur builds.

The three roamed the room helping students follow the directions to build their creations. While it was obvious the students were challenged, they were ecstatic to receive help from Detroit Lions, and even happier when they were able to complete the assignment.

Daly has visited the school several times this season and it’s clear he and his wife have left an impact on these students. One of the students even yelled out “Nooo” when they said it was time for them to go. Before they departed, Daly thanked all the students for their great work and reminded them that they are loved. As they headed toward the door multiple students ran to give hugs and say a personal goodbye.

It’s safe to say the Daly Duo is making a difference at this school.

Photos from the Day:

Maddy Miller – Detroit Lions Beat Reporter

On Twitter: @madelynvmillerr

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