Birthdays make me sad. Maybe the Super Bowl will cheer me up.


Birthdays make me sad. Maybe the Super Bowl will cheer me up.

This is an emotional time of the year for me.
It is my birthday weekend. It is a birthday not promised.
Six years ago I suffered two strokes. They were not major strokes, but doctors showed me X-Rays of my brain and told me how close I was to either being a vegetable or dead.
The veins in my brain are large, healthy and work to perfection. However, there is one that is mangled, weak and restricted blood flow. It is a ticking time bomb that doctors believe I was born with. If it were a road Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer would be screaming “Fix the damn road.”

I appreciate life more. I appreciate people more.

That wasn’t the case after I got sick. One stroke zapped me of fine motor skills and the ability to walk like I used to. The second took away my social skills. It was the one I feared less, but it was the most dangerous.
My childhood friend Lamont suffered a similar stroke the same week I did. He died.
Doctors feared depression setting in, which would be devastating. One doctor suggested I duplicate my old life as a sports journalist and radio talk show host on a smaller scale, with less work and less stress. It is something I enjoyed.

That’s why my work with Woodward Sports is so important. I am not an employee. I am in therapy.

My most rewarding times are walking through the offices and talking to the young talent. They tell me what’s new in media and social media. I tell them old war stories, which they seem to soak up. It makes me feel good, which is what my doctor wanted.
I got a big chuckle when none of them knew what the Windsor ballet was.
I appreciate these days of getting out the house and interacting with people. If I didn’t do this I’d mope around the house, getting upset and depressed. I sat in a restaurant and listened to the sad story of a woman who lost her son in a plane crash. It was sad to hear but I was glad to be there to let her get the pain off her chest.

I’m excited for the weekend because my birthday falls on Super Bowl Sunday. I am also getting a flat top grill to cook breakfast, hamburgers, hot dogs and shrimp.
I am so excited about the grill that I might even buy a chef’s hat.
At some point I will get misty eyed. However, a few minutes later I will enjoy life. Maybe I will get an ice cream or sip on good bourbon. Or maybe I will slap my wife on the ass and say good morning.
Maybe my joy will be sitting back and watching a good Super Bowl game.
Yes, I will cry. But I will also laugh and joke and act a fool. It is the best way I know how to respond to weak moments.

I am so happy that my kids can call up and wish dad Happy Birthday again.

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